Károly Rökk

Painter, water color painter.
Born: Budapest 1891 June 1, Died: Zamárdi 1970

He was studying to be an architect, but World War I interrupted his studies and he was drafted and ended up on the Russian front where he was wounded and ended up as P.O.W. He started his painting carrier in a in Moscow hospital.He was invited to teach art in a high school in Abransk, where he met his future wife Nyuricska who was also teaching there. He was released from the prisoner of war camps in 1922 and settled in Kalocsa. In 1923 -he exhibited his paintings made in Russian captivity, in Moscow and in Siberia. He won the distinguishing state prize for his water color paintings, and many other awards with his paintings. He is well known in Hungary for his winter scenery pastel, watercolor and oil paintings. His architectural paintings reflects his architectural training.
These pictures are the courtesy of the Rökk family from New Zealand


 rokk photo 

Self portrait at age 27, 1917

Photo from mid 1950

From his paintings as a P.O.W.
Snowfall Kiev 1916 January

 moskva 1915
 Tomsk 1915

Church with garrison. Moscow 1915

The old church. Tomszk 1915

From the published article of Bedõ Rudolf: Rökk Károly 1915-1922 között készült moszkvai és szibériai vizfestményei és rajzai. (Különlenyomat a Müvészettörténeti Értesítõ 1964. évi 4. számából.)

Pictures received in 2006 from France.


oil painted in Russia oil painted in Russia


Siberian scene painted in Kalocsa

Paintings of Károly Rökk

Károly Rökk was well known for his oil and water color winter paintings. When I was I a young kid I watched him in the bitter cold, painting with great patience.
The originals of these paintings are in my family or at friends, in Hungary, US and in Canada.


Winter 1 Winter 2
oil water color
Water color, 1935
Water mills were taken out for the winter from the Danube.
Water color, 1935
Water mills were taken out for the winter from the Danube

Winter landscape (approx. early 1920) (oil)

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