Links in Newfoundland:

I lived in Newfoundland for 28 years, therefore that land and people are close to my heart.
My son's Andrew Draskoy's site: from where you can visit many interesting sites, learn about Newfoundland's capital St.John's, and Andrew's Shanties and Sea Songs site.
Want to know about of the natural history of Canada's easternmost province, see John Maunder's home page: Newfoundland and Labrador Natural Sciences Web site. Visit the Newfoundland Museum from here. Interesting site I visited is Elizabeth Murphy's home page. She is the principal of St. Paul's Elementary School in St. John's, NF. where she uses the internet to teach Math & French & to network teachers. On her web pages you can find from Nfld photographs to how to put images or organize your web site. In St.John's in the middle of the city they are excavating Fort Townshend. Recently they excavated and rebuilt historic Ferryland. See the Newfound Parks and Natural Areas sites. If you are a history buff visit the Historic Sites of Newfoundland. If you want to know what is happening in St.John's you can read online The Evening Telegram.
Finally I found a diverse award winning Newfoundland site of Karen and Joe. It has a superb photo gallery, image of the week, photo calendar, Newfoundland history, poetry even Newfoundland cams and bird watching.

Help for web designers:
  • If you want to have an automatic evaluation your own site, just type it into the space your URL and you will get an instant evaluation from: Site Inspector, or Dr. Watson. They give different evaluation so it is good to use both! Check how they evaluate my site!! Creating Home Page is a tedious business.

  • For free evaluation by humans of your website

  • Many sites offers counters statistics
    I found two new web counter site :CQ Counter and

  • Here are more than one million downloadable images of various types.

  • Want to know how many sites are linking to your URL?

  • What exactly people searching for on the Web this week? Google tells you with charts and graphs.

  • Tutorials and designing aids: for Photoshop, Flash, Dreamweawer, Golive, Sound Files, Color-charts / Ikons

Search Engines:
How do I rate a search engine as a good one?
I type in "george draskoy" and if it finds me it must be a good one!

My choice search engines
  1. ixquick superior meta search engine
  2. Debriefing
  3. Dogpile meta search engine
  4. Google
  5. Ask Jeeves
  6. A search engine with a difference
  7. Special search engine for Mac.
  8. Mamma

Best search engines by Macworld:

Links for the Mac Users

Macfixit is a good resource for solving Mac problems.
Monthly Macintosh Magazines
MacWorld | Mac Home | MacAddict
Mac design

Best Mac websites. (a list)

Here is nearly everything what you should know about Apple and the Mac: (Apple/Mac News, Mac Magazines, Apple/Mac History, Icons/Desktop Pictures/Theme)

Here is another good list of Mac Websites


Want to send to someone:


Lydia's animation site

You can see my animated photographs

Animations by categories from Animation Express

Sites I found useful or interesting
most of them are from The Vancouver Sun "Hot Sites"


Sites created and maintained by me:

Grandragons, dragonboat racing team based in Vancouver

Reflective Materials by Lisa

Links updated Nov. 30, 2003
